
BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

Escherweg 5 
26121 Oldenburg 
Germany Phone: +49 (0) 441/36 12-0 
Fax: +49 (0) 441/36 12-3999 


  • Board of Directors: Dr. Jörg Ritter (CEO), Percy Hamer
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board:  Dr. Frank Reiners
  • Entry: Commercial register at Oldenburg Local Court HRB 4717 
    VAT ID DE211155632

Data protection officer:

Maik Evers / E-Mail: ""

The representations and contents of our website are intended as information pages for other companies. 
They only represent messages in the sense of reporting about our company and the activities associated with it. We welcome hints and suggestions at any time. Please send us an e-mail or contact us.

Contacting us via our internet offer (especially e-mail) cannot lead directly to the conclusion of a contract. If your e-mails contain content that could be understood as an offer, it must be assumed in case of doubt that it is an invitation to enter into business contact with each other. The acceptance of an offer is reserved for an express written declaration by BTC AG.

Liability for damages of any kind resulting from the use of the offer of our website is limited to intent and gross negligence of BTC AG and to intent and gross negligence of the assigned employees or third parties commissioned by BTC AG. The above limitation of liability does not apply to claims under the Product Liability Act and to bodily injury and damage to health attributable to us or in the event of loss of life due to use.


BTC AG assumes no responsibility for the content of websites to which hyperlinks or references from lead. The links are to be understood as references to information sources on the Internet and do not constitute a recommendation.

BTC AG declares that at the time of linking, the corresponding pages were free of illegal content. BTC AG has no influence on the design and content of linked pages.

For this reason, BTC AG distances itself from all contents that were changed and added after the link was set. BTC AG does not adopt the content of third-party websites as its own. The provider of these pages alone is liable for any damage resulting from the use of the contents of external pages.

Picture credits

  • Homepage © visdia -
  • Feed-in management - photo and image work

Data privacy statement

Here you can view the data privacy statement.